Chip 2000 May
0016_PIC PRO.pas
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Pascal/Delphi Source File
58 lines
This format description applies to both PIC and MSK files created with
the Autodesk Animator Pro package. The file begins with a 64-byte header
defined as follows:
Offset Length Name Description
0000h 1 dword The size of the whole file including the size
of this header.
0004h 1 word ID=9500h
0006h 1 word Width of the image
0008h 1 word Height of the image
000Ah 1 word X offset of image
000Ch 1 word Y offset of image
000Eh 1 dword User ID, set to zero
0012h 1 byte Bits per pixel (8 for PIC, 1 for MSK)
0013h 45 byte reserved (0)
Following the file header are the data blocks for the image. Each data
block within a PIC or MSK file is formatted as follows:
OFFSET Count TYPE Description
0000h 1 dword The size of the block, including this header.
0004h 1 word Data type ID :
0 - Color palette info
1 - Byte-per-pixel image data
2 - Bit-per-pixel mask data
0006h ? byte Data
The type values in the block headers indicate what type of graphics data
the block contains.
In a PIC_CMAP block, the first 2-byte word is a version code; currently
this is set to zero. Following the version word are all 256 palette
entries in rgb order. Each of the r, g, and b components is a single
byte in the range of 0-255. This type of block appears in PIC files;
there will generally be no color map block in a MSK file.
In a PIC_BYTEPIXELS block, the image data appears immediately following
the 6-byte block header. The data is stored as one byte per pixel, in
left-to-right, topD to-bottom sequence.
In a PIC_BITPIXELS block, the bitmap data appears immediately following
the 6-byte block header. The data is stored as bits packed into bytes
such that the leftmost bits appear in the high-order positions of each
byte. The bits are stored in left-to-right, top-to bottom sequence. When
the width of the bitmap is not a multiple of 8, there will be unused
bits in the low order positions of the last byte on each line. The
number of bytes per line is ((width+7)/8). This type of block appears in
MSK files.
PROGRAMS:Autodesk Animator Pro